Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Couples Session Giveaway: Addie & Caleb

Here's round two of my May giveaway!  

I had the hardest time picking between all of the local couples who contacted me and couldn't settle on just one.  I'm so glad I met these two!

My husband and I are high school sweethearts, so finding other couples who are makes me do a little jump for joy on the inside!  Addie & Caleb are both from Charleston, SC and met in the 5th grade.  They have literally grown up together.  How sweet is that?!  I got so excited talking to the two of them.  It's hard to put into words how finding someone so similar to yourself can feel in a town where almost everyone is away from home.  Caleb and my husband share an infantry MOS, and turns out they love dogs too!  I already want to have a Labrador play date!

The love these two have for each other is rare.  I don't think I even captured it well enough in my pictures!  Caleb is scheduled to deploy this summer which made this session all the more special.  They are both so genuine and sweet, and I hope our paths cross again very soon!!

Enjoy this glimpse into their seaside session!
xoxo, Elizabeth

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Couples Session Giveaway: Jessica & Michael

Meet Jessica & Michael, one of the couples selected for my free session giveaway!

A few weeks ago I drove around to scope out the piers on base.  After finding this one, I had the urge to photograph a couple there ASAP!  I posted a model call on a local Facebook site asking for people to post a picture of themselves and their significant other and got an overwhelming response!  Over 75 people commented and messaged me about the session.  It was so hard to choose!  Instead of picking just one couple, I picked two!  (Stay tuned for Addie & Caleb's blog!)

These two are so sweet.  She's from Alabama and he's from Florida, and they ended up in North Carolina stationed at Camp Lejeune.  I, a native North Carolinian, learned that Florida is not considered to be in "the South," but still think they are an adorable Southern couple!!  We did this shoot at two locations on base, and I am so glad I was able to get him in his dessert cammies.