Friday, January 15, 2016

VMM 261 Homecoming at MCAS New River

 This homecoming was one of my favorites.

In typical homecoming fashion, the arrival window was changed a few times before they actually made it home.  With Joy being due in only a couple weeks, we were on pins and needles!  We geared ourselves up for a 3am homecoming, which was then delayed 24 hours, and then moved again to right after sunrise (which made this photographer very happy!!!).

We arrived around to New River Air Station around 7am with the Marines estimated to arrive at 7:45am.  We soon found out they would be arriving a couple hours later, allowing me to get to know this sweet mama-to-be and her precious little girl!

Being an ADVON homecoming, the group was relatively small, which is perfect for capturing those first moments without being stampeded!  When the bus pulled up, there was no stopping little M from running to her daddy!  He wrapped her up in his arms (of course), and then kissed her on the lips.  M put her hand to her mouth and said, "I just kissed a boy!!!"  Mom and I died.  It was absolutely the cutest thing ever.

And even happier news, this family just welcomed their little boy into the world yesterday!  One week early and 6 days after dad came home.  Talk about timing!!  

So happy for this family of four!


Getting excited! They are almost here!

"I just kissed a boy!!!"  Adorable! <3

"Promise you'll always come home to me..." <3
Something we all ask of our Marines.

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